Features: The “Missing Years” 1988 - 2001


The following information has been gathered from a variety of sources (see below) and is an attempt to piece together a history of Crossroads from the end of the series in 1988 to its resurrection in 2001. Some details were mentioned on screen while others were not…



Tommy “Bomber” Lancaster (Terence Rigby - pictured) takes over Crossroads. After a couple of months he re-names it King’s Oak Country Hotel.

During this period there is an enormous amount of change and familiar faces such as Benny (Paul Henry) decide to leave the hotel.



The final episode of Crossroads is broadcast (4,510 have been transmitted).

Bomber sells the King’s Oak Country Hotel. It is then under the management of Daniel Freeman. Bomber had originally offered first refusal on the sale to Adam Chance and wife Jill – but she was tired of Adam’s attitude towards her and their marriage.

Jill starts a relationship with John Maddingham. They leave King’s Oak in a bright yellow sports car with Jill declaring that she wants to start a little hotel in the west. “I always thought Crossroads was an awfully good name,” she says.

Adam is left with egg on his face to run the hotel leisure centre, but not one to work for Daniel Freeman he leaves to start his own business.



Jill marries John Maddingham.



After four years together, Jill and John Maddingham decide to leave the running of their hotel in the west to someone else and they go to live abroad.

The King’s Oak Country Hotel (Crossroads) falls into decline and falling custom forces a sale. Jill hears about the sale and buys the hotel. She then re-names is back to the Crossroads Motel – not as a shrewd business move – simply for nostalgia



The Crossroads Motel is still in decline – unfortunately so is John Maddingham’s health. Jill and John are forced to sell their hotel in the west to pay for his healthcare as there is no National Health Service abroad.



Jill’s money problems continue. She refuses to sell Crossroads – it means too much to her. However she does agree to sell the majority (70%) of the shares to Patrick Russell – who uses an inheritance to fund the purchase. He sees the potential of a corporate hotel in the area.

The Russell family set about improving the Crossroads site and turn the motel into a four star hotel. Jill and Patrick never meet and she remains a sleeping partner.

Doris Luke returns to Crossroads. She left in 1984 to go and live with her sister in Blackpool, but 14 years later her sister died and the house became lonely. The hotel beckoned once more as Bradley told her they were looking for staff.



After many years of illness, John Maddingham dies. Jill returns to Crossroads after burying her husband. As far as she is concerned she has no step-children from John’s side of the family – after all, where were they in her hour of need?

Jill decides to use the surname Harvey (rather than Maddingham) because she likes it. The fact that it is also her only surviving child’s surname may have added an incentive.




1. “Crossroads Landmarks”,

published by Carlton as part of their “Press Information” at the series launch.


2. “The Management Replies”,

FAQ on www.crossroadshotel.co.uk from Carlton Interactive.


3. Information from the Carlton Continuity Department

(Courtesy of Crossroads Appreciation Society)


4. “Character Profiles” from the official Carlton website


For More Information…


More information about the original series of Crossroads is available on the Crossroads Appreciation Society’s website HERE. We are proud to be their recommended series II site.



Photographs on this page courtesy the Crossroads Appreciation Society


Terence Rigby as

Tommy “Bomber” Lancaster


By 1988 the Crossroads Motel had

been renamed the King’s Oak

Country Hotel



Patrick Russell bought 70% of

Crossroads in 1998


2001 and Jill returns to Crossroads

after 13 years, but it isn’t the

Homecoming she expected.