Features: The Hotel Interior


The massive sets required to recreate a hotel were housed in the Carlton Studio complex on Lenton Lane in Nottingham. The site featured three large studios – 6, 7 and 8. Studio 6 (3000 sq. ft) Studio 8 (7500 sq. ft) and some of the smaller studios were used for Crossroads.








The set was designed by Rod Stratfold and featured working lifts, running water and cookers connected to a gas supply. Genuine hotel suppliers were used to give an added impression of realism.


This are featured prominently in the main publicity photographs for the series. It was a reconstruction of the area built onto the back of the studio complex.


In the 2003 series much of this furniture was removed to the staff rest room and this area became the concierge station.







Housed in studio 8, the restaurant and bar formed part of the 10,000 square feet devoted to the hotel reception. The bar was apparently based on one seen in a new Hilton Hotel.


It survived relatively unscathed following the revamp for the 2003 series, although only this side was visible.


These photographs from Carlton’s production file show the studio lights above the set.






Of the entire set designed for the 2001 series, this is the only area recognisable after the 2003 refit.


This part of the set featured a ceiling as it would be seen on screen.



Initially the “salon” was represented by the area at the end of a corridor with some louvre blinds. Later this set was built.








This image (and the next) show how the hotel room set could be re-configured to show various different rooms within the hotel. It is interesting to note the spotlights suspended above the set at the end of planks of wood so that they would cast their light on the walls.



After being escorted from the executive suite, Jill was allowed to stay in “The Lake Room” – Ironic when you consider what happened to her,,,,

This photograph shows how the walls could be removed to allow a greater range of shooting angles.








Cleverly not within a studio at all, but built inside and existing corridor at Carlton Studios. The doors could actually only open a few inches before hitting the wall behind. After the refit the corridor was largely unchanged although the dado rail was removed.



Here is near accurate image of the impressive reception set – based on what appeared on screen during the series. It shows the reception / bar / restaurant / kitchen / office sets.





The vast majority of images on this page were donated to the site by Carlton Television from the Crossroads production office. They are unavailable anywhere else. Your attention is drawn to the copyright information at the bottom of the page. Other images donated by the Crossroads Appreciation Society / ITV plc.